Architect Todd Conversano’s 460 SF addition of a second story master bedroom to his mid-century ranch house is designed to reflect the history of the original structure, but with a contemporary twist.
Conversano describes his changes and architectural decisions:
“The roof of the addition was conceived to match the existing living room roof for context, so the exact same size beams, rafters, joists, sheathing, and roof pitch was erected upstairs, but the center ridge beam was oriented at an angle toward the corner sliding doors to accentuate the view. Given the corner opening of the doors, a corner cantilevered deck was conceived above which the matching sized roof overhang covers the deck and exposed the wood roof structure to the exterior.”
“The exterior is clad with matching smooth troweled stucco of the same color as the original house, and corrugated sheet metal siding. The siding is not only fireproof, but was selected to be reminiscent of the look of mid-century ranch house wood siding, although with a completely contemporary feel.”
“On the side yard, the existing ridge joist is kept intact and the new face of the upper floor aligns with the fascia, and the siding deflects and takes the shape of that original roof line thus exposing the history of the original structure.”
“The sloped roof also covers the stairwell and naturally falls in unison with the fall of the stair, and unveils itself when walking up to the second floor.”
“Natural oiled oak floors were installed to keep a slightly rougher look to the floor, and custom colored art glass was used in the bathroom to accentuate the main bathroom wall.”